All in Guest Blogger

How can you change the world? - By Guest Blogger Scott DeSantis

I’m a contractor, the most I write on a weekly basis is my material list for the job on a random scrap of lumber or drywall. Do I go with sports? Not everyone likes sports. Do I go with family? Not everyone will understand the dynamic. Do I go with politics? Nope. Angry, happy, sad, sappy, inspirational. The possibilities are endless for the guy who only writes on trash all week…


New guest blogger, welcome Michelle Kay “Michelle is a librarian, a yogi, and a contra dancer. She enjoys various creative pursuits and the sound her wedding crystal makes when dashed against a brick wall.”

Retail Therapy

Guest Blogger KLC: Maybe I learned to deal with grief by retail therapy by example? My dad, at the sake of being childish, “started it”. First, he was the one that loaded my brother and I on a plane to Las Vegas first class for a week after my mom died.