

 The Unaccredited Wingman

The Unaccredited Wingman

Went to the bar last night. Not too crowded, but the bar itself was pretty full. When I go out, I just want a spot at the bar, not necessarily a seat, just a place to put my drink. There were two men to my left, and a woman next to them. Two more women joined her, so the man to my left asked if I was using the seat I stood behind. I said, no, just needed the spot on the bar, so I gave it up. The two men moved one seat over, so one of the woman could sit down. I heard the woman thank the one man for the seat.

Look at me, the unaccredited Wingman.

I don’t think it helped, because a man joined the woman’s group and, while I was there, I didn’t see any of the woman talk to these two guys.

Perhaps, the reason for that was, they over heard the same conversation I did.

It was like listening to two forty-something frat boys trying to one up each other.

This was the beginning of their conversation, what I heard, and what I imagined (based on their attitudes) what would have followed:

Man 1: “I’m been drinking, getting served in bars, since I was sixteen years old.”

Man 2: “That’s nothing, I would go to my high school classes drunk, and sleep in the back of the room.”

Man 1: “Really, I started drinking and smoking cigarettes when I was eleven.”

Man 2: “Ha, I would get drunk, steal my father’s car, and go for joy rides when I was eight-years-old. Could barely see over the dashboard.”

Man 1: “So, I used to do shots with my Kindergarten teacher, which made nap time that much more important.”

Man 2: “Listen, I was so drunk at my baptism, I was happy when the priest poured water on me to clear my head.”

And finally...

Man 1: “Dude, that’s nothing. When my mom was pregnant with me, I would sneak out of her womb at night, drink my dad’s whiskey, then sneak back inside to sleep it off...”


Please, Don’t Drive Off The Mountain

Please, Don’t Drive Off The Mountain