

Book Wrapped

Book Wrapped

This popped into my head today, not sure why – probably because Christmas is just around the corner.

It was Christmas time, either 2002 or 2003. Back then I drove a pretty old car (not like the old car I drive now) because with that old car I never locked the door.

Came home Christmas Eve after dropping the kids at their mom’s house (divorced). Back then, when my kids were quite young, an old girlfriend came up with the idea of having Christmas Eve with the kids the day before Christmas Eve and then have Christmas with them on Christmas Eve. It was a brilliant idea, and allowed the kids to have two separate Christmases (like most children of divorce, I guess).

Home alone the night of Christmas Eve, then the next morning would drive over to ex-wife’s house to watch the kids open more presents.

On this particular Christmas morning, went outside and found a wrapped present on the front seat of my car.

Home late the night before, and out early this Christmas morning, there was a very small window for someone to drop off the gift.

However, the better question was: who?

Whomever it was, it was someone who knew me well.

The gift? A copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s last book Timequake.

Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors, and his book Slaughterhouse-Five is arguably my best-loved book.

Now, the one person whom I thought might have left the book, as far as I knew, was out-of-town that Christmas.

There is now real end to this post, (to this day, I don’t know who left the present) just something that popped into my head. Also, of all the Vonnegut books, Timequake was probably my least favorite.

That, of course, took nothing away from the gesture.

Merry Christmas.

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